Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nomenclature & Gangsters

Welcome to my Blog. It has been a long time coming, and as a person who despises the concept of the new-year's-resolution, I have decided to start it before the new year, thus proving that I did not wait for the "fresh start" to get rolling.

I have entitled my blog "Manhattan Melodrama." And while I have been to New York only once, and have never seen the movie of the same name (although I have frequently partaken of the Merrie Melodies), it seems to fit.

Manhattan Melodrama - also known as Manhattan Melody (hence the actual web address for this blog - somebody already took the manhattanmelodrama address and the fool doesn't even post on it--in protest I will not link to that blog and I will encourage a general boycott of the site by my reading audience) was the movie John Dillinger was attending when the FBI gunned him down. Currently the FBI Academy training facility known as Hogan's Alley includes a movie theater. The marquee of this theater boldly boasts that it is playing the movie "Manhattan Melodrama" Most of the buildings in Hogan's Alley are dedicated to some of the FBI's most notable victories.

Why do I know this? Why does it matter? The answer is, I do not know, and it does not matter. But my head and my life are so filled with little tidbits of information that are only useful in certain situations, and only interesting to a select few, that I felt it appropriate to name this Blog after one of those otherwise useless bits of information.

This blog will center around me and my family. Occasionally a thought will enter my head and will not leave until I expel it through the medium of print, so one may be required to skim past a useless rambling to get to what is most important in my life. My family. Thank you for being interested.

1 comment:

  1. untrue... they are all useful, interesting or at least entertaining, from the bystander point of view. Okay, at least if I am the one with whom you are in audience with:)
